Friday, May 23, 2008



Was so sunny when i left school and it was raining when i reach cityhall. WASTE TIME LA! Lucky Ms Tan was kind enough to meet me. Went to que for pretty good compare to donut factory. Head toward cathay and i decided to catch a movie. Lucky enough to get 2 tix for Indiana Jone ( a lil disappointing ), dropby num to say hi to Aaanndy and Dex. ^^

Went down basement to sit by the pond/fountian to have our yummy donuts while we slowly kill times and i swear it make us both sick of it after we manage to finish it up. She decide to look for a place call old school and guess what.. We need to climb a 145 steps to reach that place! killer man....but its worth while since the building is pretty unique (=

Could consider its a good day since nothing cock-up(except the raining part).

Njoy the following pics,

(Mother's day dinner)

( Spot the number? )

( I seriously hit the bulleye's )

( The 12 sins )

( Old school siol! )

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